Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Sozial- & Kulturwissenschaften
Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies

BA Social Work / Social Pedagogy​

HSD - Social Sciences and Cultural Studies > English > Study Programmes > BA Social Work / Social Pedagogy​ (Full-Time/Part-Time)


The bachelor’s programme Social Work / Social Pedagogy qualifies you for all fields of social work in executive public service. As a graduate, you can also attain further academic qualification in consecutive and postgraduate master’s programmes. The programme teaches you key skills and provides opportunities for supervised practical work. Additionally, you can choose your own areas of specialisation.
The programme is based on the demands of profes​sional practice and structured in modules. Since there is no prescribed timetable at HSD, you can shape your own individual syllabus. Each semester, you select courses of relevant topics from the list of courses, which includes explanatory comments.
The topics covered in the modules are: administration and organisation studies, education science, law, methods of social work / social pedagogy, political science, psychology, social medicine, social philosophy, sociology and disability studies as well as culture, aesthetics and media including fine arts, literature and aesthetic practice, music, new media, performative arts, physical education and video.

The study programme meets the legal requirements of the law on the approval of social professions in Germany (SobAG). In case of professional and personal aptitude, you are awarded state approval.

Module Manual (PDF)

Career Options​

Possible professional fields are, amongst others:

  • work with disabled persons, clinical social work, e.g. in residential groups, workshops and clinics
  • family and social counselling, e.g. in social services departments, addiction advice centres and other advice centres
  • community work, work with older people, e.g. in neighbourhood centres and residential homes
  • gender-specific counselling and education work and intercultural social work, e.g. in women’s refuges and community centres
  • integration in employment, e.g. in education centres and centres for unemployed persons
  • child and youth welfare, e.g. in youth welfare departments and with non-statutory agencies
  • culture and media activities, e.g. in culture and youth centres
  • social work in schools, child and youth work, e.g. in schools, youth centres, children’s clubs
  • resocialisation, e.g. in prisons, juvenile legal support and non-statutory agencies​

Key facts


Language of
Mainly German
Degree​Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Normal programme length7 semesters (full-time)
12 semesters (part-time)
Study programme begins​Winter semester
Application​Find out how and when to apply:
Degree seeking students
Exchange students
Allocation of places​Restricted admission *
General admission requirements
Go to admission requirements
​Period abroad
​​Postgraduate study programmes at HSD MA Empowerment Studies
MA Culture, Aesthetics, Media
MA Social Work and Pedagogy with a Focus on Psychosocial Counselling
​Summary of key information​​  ​Flyer (PDF)
​Information for international applicants ​Go to information for international applicants


* The restricted admission is subject to approval by the Ministry for culture and academic affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW).