Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Sozial- & Kulturwissenschaften
Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies

Get in touch

HSD - Sozial- & Kulturwissenschaften > English > Contact to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies at Hochschule Düsseldorf

​​​​International Relations office             

Sandra Lerchen
Departmental Advisor for International Cooperation

Room ​03.2.012
T +49 211 4351 3343

Student Affairs Office

Website of the Student Affairs Office for Social Sciences
and Cultural Studies (in German only)

Faculty Student Committee

Website of the "Fachschaftsrat SozialKult" (in German only)

University International Office

For more general, less faculty-specific questions, please contact our
International Office.

Dean's office

General faculty contact for all questions:

Hochschule Düsseldorf – University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies
Münsterstraße 156
40476 Düsseldorf

Kristina Brosda, Dipl.-Soz.-Wiss.​
T +49(0) 211 4351-2600
F +49(0) 211 4351-12610
Room 03.1.003

Office hours for students:

Mon-Wed 9.00-11.00
Tue,Thur 13.00-14.00



Prof. Dr. Irene Dittrich
T +49(0) 211 4351-2600
Room 03.1.003

Strategy, personnel, resources, communication and representation in the university, academic self-government

vice dean

Prof. Dr. Anne van Rießen

Research, evaluation, family-friendly studies

dean of studies

Prof. Dr. Stefan Brall

Study planning, examination organisation, web and IT