*** Full Pre-Prints available at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christian-Voigt-14 ***
- Glodek, Andrea; Voigt, Christian; Wolfinger, Martina (2024): Kompetenzen Sozialer Arbeit in einer digitalisierten Welt: Ein Ordnungsversuch begrifflicher Vielfalt. In: Stefanie Neumaier, Madeleine Dörr, Edeltraud Botzum (Hg.): Praxishandbuch digitale Projekte in der Sozialen Arbeit: Beltz Juventa, URL: https://www.beltz.de/produkt_detailansicht/52277-praxishandbuch-digitale-projekte-in-der-sozialen-arbeit.html
- Unterfrauner, E., Voigt, C. & Hofer, M. (2021): The effect of maker and entrepreneurial education on self-efficacy and creativity. Entrep Educ 4, 403–424. https://doi-org.ezp.hs-duesseldorf.de/10.1007/s41959-021-00060-w
- Seebacher, L.M., Vana, I., Voigt, C., Tschank, J. (2021): Is Science for Everyone? Exploring Intersectional Inequalities in Connecting With Science. In: Frontiers in Education, 6. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2021.673850
- Eckhardt, J., Kaletka, C., Pelka, B., Unterfrauner, E., Voigt, C., & Zirngiebl, M. (2020). Gender in the Making: An empirical approach to understand gender relations in the maker movement. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 102548. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2020.102548
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- Voigt, C., Unterfrauner, E., & Hofer, M. (2020). Entrepreneurial Education Based on Physical Computing and Game Development. In 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (Impact Papers), Heidelberg (Online)
- Voigt C., Seebacher L.M., Vana I. (2020). Overcoming inequalities in informal science learning. InThe International Conference of the Learning Science, Nashville, US. ISBN: 978-1-7324672-7-9
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- Voigt, C., Unterfrauner, E., Aslan, T., & Hofer, M. (2019). Design Thinking with Children: The Role of Empathy, Creativity and Self-Efficacy. In FabLearn 2019. New York, US: ACM Press. DOI: 10.1145/3311890.3311912
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- Unterfrauner, E., Voigt, C., & Hofer, M. (2019). Participative evaluation with children in educational maker projects -Experiences from a pilot action. 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies, Vienna, AT: ACM Press. DOI: 10.1145/3328320.3328372
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- Voigt, C. (2018). Not every remix is an innovation: A network perspective on the 3d-printing community. 10th ACM Web Science Conference, Amsterdam, NL. DOI: 10.1145/3201064.3201070
- Voigt, C., Mair, S., & Unterfrauner, E. (2018). Hacking the knowledge of maker communities in support of 21st century education. In International Conference on Internet Science. St Petersburg, RU: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01437-7_22
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- Millard, J., Sorivelle, M. N., Deljanin, S., Unterfrauner, E., & Voigt, C. (2018). Is the Maker Movement Contributing to Sustainability? Sustainability, 10 (7). DOI: 10.3390/su10072212
- Suero Montero, C., Voigt, C., & Mäkitalo-Siegl, K. (2018). From Digital Fabrication to Meaningful Creations: Pedagogical Perspectives. In Edurobotics 2018. Rome, IT: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-18141-3_6
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- Voigt, C., Schön, S., & Hofer, M. (2018). Innovation management in schools: Barriers and enablers to making as educative practice. In Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI). Lüneburg, GER. Tagungsband
- Unterfrauner, E., Voigt, C., & Schön, S. (2018). Towards a Model of Early Entrepreneurial Education: Appreciation, Facilitation and Evaluation. In 8th International Conference in Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning. Toledo, ES. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-98872-6_17
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- Schön, S., & Voigt, C. (2018). Social innovations within makerspace settings for early entrepreneurial education - The DOIT project. Presented at the EdMedia + Innovate Learning Conference, June 25-29, 2018, Amsterdam, NL.
- Millard, J., Unterfrauner, E., Voigt, C., Katsikis, O. K., & Sorivelle, M. N. (2018). The maker movement in Europe: empirical and practitioner insights. Presented at the ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S) Conference, Toronto, CA
- Kahn, K., Montero, C. S., & Voigt, C. (2018). Workshop - STEAM Learning in formal and informal settings via craft and maker projects. Presented at the ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference, Trondheim, Norway. DOI: 10.1145/3202185.3205869
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- Voigt, C., Unterfrauner, E., & Stelzer, R. (2017). Diversity in FabLabs: Culture, Role Models and the Gendering of Making. In International Conference on Internet Science. Thesaloniki, GR: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70284-1_5
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- Unterfrauner, E., Voigt, C., Schrammel, M., & Menichinelli, M. (2017). The Maker Movement and the Disruption of the Producer-Consumer Relation. In Internet Science Workshops. Thessaloniki, GR. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-77547-0_9
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- Voigt, C., Kieslinger, B., Schäfer, T. (2017). User Experiences Around Sentiment Analyses, Facilitating Workplace Learning, in: Human-Computer Interaction International Conference. Vancouver, Canada, 9-14 July. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58562-8_24
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- Unterfrauner, E., & Voigt, C. (2017). Makers’ ambitions to do socially valuable things. The Design Journal, 20 (Sup1), 3317–3325. DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2017.1352835
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- Schröder, A., Junginger, S., & Voigt, C. (2016). Design thinking. In Kongress „Innovationen für die Gesellschaft – Neue Wege und Methoden zur Entfaltung des Potenzials sozialer Innovationen (pp. 42–47). Berlin, GER.
- Voigt, C. & Bright, J. (2016). The lightweight Smart City and Biases in repurposed Big Data. In The Second International Conference on Human and Social Analytics (HUSO 16). Barcelona, Spain
- Voigt, C., Dobner, S., & Schmidt, M. (2016). Collaborative Mapping and the Reliability of Volunteered Data. In The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications (COLLA 16). Barcelona, Spain: Xpert Publishing Services. *** Best Paper Award ***
- Voigt, C., Holtgrewe, U., & Degelsegger, A. (2016). Unpacking the openness of open evaluations. In Open Evaluation Conference. Vienna, Austria.
- Voigt, C., Montero, C. S., & Menichinelli, M. (2016). An empirically informed taxonomy for the Maker movement. In International conference on Internet Science (INSCI 2016). Florence, Italy: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45982-0_17
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- Voigt, C. (2016). Facing relativism in interpretive research with hermeneutic audit trails. Working Paper / 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).
- Voigt, C., Misuraca, G., Csaba Kucsera, & Lipparini, F. (2016). ICT-enabled Social Innovations in Social Services: Mapping the Evidence. In CeDEM16 - Conference for E-Democracy and Open Governement. IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/CeDEM.2016.15
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- Voigt, C., Dobner, S., Ferri, M., Hahmann, S., & Gareis, K. (2016). Community engagement strategies for crowdsourcing accessibility information: Paper, Wheelmap-Tags and Mapillary-Walks. In 15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Linz, Austria. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41267-2_35
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- Misuraca G., Kucsera, C., Lipparini F., Voigt C., and Radescu R., (2015) ''Mapping and Analysis of ICT-enabled Social Innovation initiatives promoting social investment in integrated approaches to the provision of social services, European Commission's Joint Research Centre, IPTS (Technical Reports).
- Voigt, C.; Dobner, S.; Neuschmid, J. (2015) Data-driven and Value Sensitive Urban Decision Making. In e-Challenges Conference e-2015. Vilnius, Lithuania. DOI: 10.1109/eCHALLENGES.2015.7441077
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- Dobner, S.; Voigt, C. (2015) Crowdsourcing Accessibility Information: An Exploration of Categorization Challenges. Presented at the Walk 21 - Stepping Ahead, Vienna, Austria.
- Voigt, C.; Havlik, D.; Leo, H.; Vogler, M. (2013) Situated, crowdsourced microlearning: From micro-content to micro-arguments, 7th Int. Microlearning Conference, Krems, Austria, 26-27 September. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4252.3281
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- Voigt, C.; Simonin-Dufaux, M.; Mallows, D.; Manzoni, A.; Desjardin, F.; Magnin, P. (2013) A hands-on perspective on integrating emotional literacy in teacher practices A. Tannhäuser & S. Feliciano (Ed.), Improving Quality of Vocational Training – Tools, Frameworks and Current Practices, EFQUEL, Brussels.
- Voigt, C.; Holocher-Ertl, T.; Giorgini, F. (2012). Roadmapping enterprise (micro-)learning: Needs, trends and potential game changers, 6th Int. Microlearning Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, 9-10 July.
- Voigt, C.; Cooper, A. (2012). Context-aware roadmapping through large scale data sifting and stakeholder workshops, Demonstration at 12th Int. Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, Graz, Austria, 5-7 Sept.
- Voigt, C. (2011). Signs on the Wall: Reading Indicators of Change to Inform Your TEL Strategies; Panel Session with Lefrere, P.; Klamma, R.; Griffiths, D.; Kamtsiou, V.; Van den Brande, L. - Online Educa Berlin. Berlin, GER: 1-2 Dec 2011.
- Voigt, C., Unterfrauner E. & Kieslinger, B. (2011). Identifying Weak Signals in Expert Discussions of Technology Enhanced Learning eChallenges e-2011 Conference. Florence, IT: Oct 2011.
- Voigt, C. (2011). The illusive nature of weak signals. Presentation at Think-Tank Workshop. EC-TEL 2011 Conference, Palermo, IT: 20 -22 Sept. 2011.
- Voigt, C., Naeve, N. & Lefrere, P. (2011). Exploiting the dynamics of weak signals. The Difference that Makes a Difference: an interdisciplinary workshop on information and technology. Open University, Milton Keynes, UK: 7-9 Sept 2011.
- Pozzi, F., Persico, D., Dimitriadis, Y., Joubert, M., Tissenbaum, M., Tsovaltzi, D., Voigt, C., Wise, A. (2011) Structuring online collaboration through 3TS: task, time and teams - White Paper. Alpine Rendez-Vous 2011, La Clusaz, FR: 27-31 Mar 2011.
- Voigt, C. (2010). A Pattern in the making: The contextual analysis of electronic case-based learning. In P. Goodyear & S. Retalis (Eds.), Technology-enhanced learning: Design Patterns and Pattern Languages: Sense Publishers, Rotterdam.
- Voigt, C. & Sanderson, G. (2010). Cross-Disciplinary E-Portfolio Discussions: Prototypes, Frames and Metaphors. Sloan-C Conference, Orlando, USA
- Voigt, C.; MacFarlane, K. (2010) The affective domain and social networking: definitorial issues and misleading assumptions - Workshop during 5th EC-TEL, 28 September-1 October 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
- Voigt, C.; Barker, S.; King, S.; Macfarlane, K.; Sawyer, T.; Scutter, S.(2010). Conceptualising social networking capabilities: Connections, objects, power and affect. Ascilite 2010, Sydney, Australia
- Voigt, C. (2010). Between innovation and 'business-as-usual': an institution-wide adoption of Moodle. MoodleMoot AU 2010, Melbourne, Australia
- Voigt, C. (2009). A question of purpose: Community embedded ePortfolios in Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference –ASCILITE 2009, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Voigt, C.; Haider, A.; Koronios, A.; Schmid, S. (2009). Identifying barriers and realising benefits: Open source software in government agencies, Adelaide: University of South Australia.
- Voigt, C. (2008). Logics of Online Collaboration: Scripts, Polychronicity and Improvisation , ACIS 2008 – 19th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 3-5.
- Voigt, C. & Swatman, P. M. C. (2006). Describing a design pattern: Why is it not enough to identify patterns in educational design? in Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference –ASCILITE 2006, Sydney, Australia.
- Voigt, C. & Swatman, P. M. C. (2006). Learning through interaction: Improving practice with design‐based research International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 3(3), pp. 207-224
- Voigt, C. & Swatman, P. M. C. (2006). From surface to meaningful collaboration: An activity theory perspective. Paper presented at the International Conference: e-Society 2006, Dublin, Ireland.
- Voigt, C. & Swatman, P. M. C. (2006). Online Case Discussions: Tensions in Activity Systems. Paper presented at the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), July 5 - 7, Kerkrade, Netherlands.
- Voigt, C. & Swatman, P. M. C. (2005). Instigating Interaction In Electronic Case-Based-Learning. Paper presented at the International Conference on the e-Society 2005, Malta.
- Voigt, C. & Swatman, P. M. C. (2004). Contextual e-learning evaluation: A preliminary framework. Journal of Educational Media, 29(3), pp. 175-187.
- Voigt, C. & Swatman, P. M. C. (2003). Learning to Learn: HCI-Methods for personalised eLearning. In J. Jacko & C. Stephanidis (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction: Theory and Practice (Part I), Proceedings of Human Computer Interaction International 2003 (pp. 1081-1085). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Voigt, C. and Swatman, P.M.C. (2003): Evaluating e-Learning contextually: Finding the right perspective, In Advances in Technology-Based Education: Toward a Knowledge-Based Society (Volume 2) ed. by Villas, A.M., Gonzales, J.A.M. and Gonzales, J.M., pp. 698-702.